It is going to be a busy year! Over the last three years I have played around with curriculum a little and have found that having the big kids do work independently is what works best for us. I have tried to use things that incoporate multiple grades, but I just can't make myself stay consistent. Our 1st year we did 2 co-ops, then we went down to one, then back to 2... this year we are doing FOUR!
We are going back to the big kids doing the majority of their work on Switched on Schoolhouse, including: Language Arts, Math, and Bible for all three, Science and Spanish for Jacob and Summer, Business Computer Information Systems for Joshua, and Health for Jacob. Jacob and Summer are still doing Story of the World for history and Joshua is using a combination of Cartoon History of the Universe and a youtube channel called Crash Course in History. He is continuing his Chemistry(he did a Chemistry 101 DVD and a lab last year) with A Cartoon Guide to Chemistry along with another chem lab 1st semester. 2nd semester he'll still have his chem lab, but I'm throwing in a short Astronomy course as well. He found a website that teaches Japanese through Anime that he wants to do and he is doing guitar lessons with Rocksmith on his xbox. Summer and Ronan are taking piano lessons. Ronan is going to be using Horizons for math, Sylvan workbooks for LA and I am going to start reading through the SOTW history books with him. Raiden is Kindergarten age this year, but I don't start mine at all until age 6 and we just do the minimum until 7. At age 8 they will start SOS and have a full course load. I want them to have plenty of time to develop physically and mentally through play, and nurture their curiosity and creativity during the primary years.
Mondays all three of the littles will have co-op at The Learning Zone. Raiden and Sierra will be in a PreK/K class. Ronan will be taking an Art class, World Geography, Pirate Math, and Gym.
Tuesdays everybody will actually be having homeschool at home(imagine that).
Wednesdays a new co-op is being started by one of our good friends, Lexington Independent Academy. Summer will have to be there at 10 for a drama class, they will be doing The Wizard of Oz. Ronan will take art and Joshua and Jacob will have gym at 11. After lunch Ronan will have gym, then at 1:30 Summer will. While not in classes they will have their laptops with them to do their regular work.
Thursdays(after piano lessons at 11) at BRICC: Ronan is taking Kids Chemistry Jr, The 50 States, and Books Alive!, Summer and Jacob are taking Wacky Chemistry and Jacob is taking Creative Writing. Joshua is taking Famous Art and Artists and PE.
Fridays will be a new co-op for us as well, CHC. It starts at 9 am so that will be an adjustment! Raiden will be in Kindergarten. They haven't released the elementary rotation yet, but it will consist of 4, 45 minute classes the 1st semester and 4 classes the second. Summer is taking Creative Writing, Photography, and Empowering Girls in God’s Word. Jacob is taking Did You Know?(America), Sign language, and Discipleship. Joshua is also taking the Did you know? class, Civics, and The Bill of Rights. After lunch I have to take Joshua to his (3 hour)chem lab while Ronan and Raiden take ZOOM!(like the PBS show) and Jacob and Summer take PE.
We are starting back Monday(7/28), although "Motivate Summer" started back 4 weeks ago. She is also doing a 6 day week and only breaking for a 2 week Christmas break. If she stays on track she will be done with this school year mid February. Then she plans on taking a couple of weeks off then diving right back in!
To help insure that the big kids stay on top of their SOS and reading this year, on Monday through Thursday we are going to have breakfast at 8am and then at 9 the internet is going to be turned off and portables confiscated until 5.
I am very excited to start this new year. I pray that it is a blessed one for our family and yours!
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