Over the years we have made a few trips to the ER but luckily none have ever been serious. The 1st was when Joshua was close to a year old. My sister had a fireplace in her basement with a brick hearth that was about foot tall and he fell into it. I took him to an immediate care center.
Just before his fourth birthday we were in the backyard on the patio... he was running aroung his little pool and slipped and hit the frame right on a bolt of the adult swing I was sitting on.
He also broke his finger falling off the end of a futon in our garage once. I also had to take him to the ER once for falling on the back of his head... he was very combative ans screaming holding his head saying "I can't take it"
Jacobs first injury came from jumping off the top of a six foot ladder I was using in our garage to put Christmas decorations away. He was almost two.
Right after his second birthday he ran into the corner of the wall in the hallway and busted his face.
On the day of Jacobs 4th birthday party she fell of the bathroom sink and hit her head. She threw up once after we has gotten to Gatti-town but we just kept an eye on her. Another time she fell off the monkey bars in our backyard and knocked herself out then starter puking. I t took her to the ER she continued to throw up there but they sent me home and said to bring her back if the vomiting got excessive... She threw up 3 more times on the way home and kept it up when we got home so I took her back... she was fine though. She passed out on Scott once too. We have come to the conclusion that passing out and puking are just her body's nature response to pain/stress. Recently she got her finger kicked and tore the tendon, developing mallet finger. She's been in a splint for over three weeks now.
Ronan fell and hit his nose on the base of an old metal swivel kitchen chair when he was two.
Last Mothers day he broke his collar bone.
So far Raiden and Sierra are injury free except minor bumps and bruises.