Friday, November 30, 2018

Everett's Story - Part Three

Part one of this series covered Everett's conception and pregnancy. Part two covered his birth. They can be found here and here. This post will cover his 1st week.

The rest of Friday was a blur of nursing and napping. Saturday Summer drew me a herbal bath... so amazing! Sunday more relaxation. It was awesome. We didn’t announced to the world. We just wanted to soak up the newness all to ourselves. Summer was the only one who held him other than me in the 1st 24 hours.
We both practiced kangaroo care for his 1st week. Sierra held him and Deacon came in and got to nurse with him on day 2.

Raiden got him for the first time on day 3.

Monday we had a midwife come and do a newborn and tie assessment, metabolic and heart screening and a latch check.

Tuesday was our first outing.
I was a little nervous because we were going to the Office of Vital Statistics to register his out of hospital birth. You never know how people are going to react when you tell them you birthed without a midwife... on purpose. They were great though. I also went to the chiropractor and got a massage and an adjustment, and we ate out at Planet Thai.

Tuesday(4 days old) we also started EC or elimination communication. We started cueing when he peed and pooped pretty much from day 1. We kept him in a flat diaper with no cover so we would know when he was going and change him right away. We quickly noticed that he didn’t pee in his sleep most of the time and that he would get upset and squirm before he would go. So by 4 days old his patterns were so apparent we decided to just go ahead and start offering the potty. We got our first catch 1st try.

Wednesday, Aunt Tricia(adopted Aunt) stopped by with bagels... lots of bagels. I ate the last one Saturday. They were so yummy. Then Thanksgiving our friends Serah and Jeremiah, and Lynette and Josh came over with their kids to celebrate the holiday.

Joshua(oldest and youngest)

Pretty amazing 1st week. It has been a dream. We will be having a Sip and See at 2 weeks to introduce him to the rest of our friends and family.

Everett's Story - Part two

Part One of this series covered Everett's conception and pregnancy and can be found here. This post will cover the birth.

I knew I still wanted to have a homebirth. In a perfect world insurance would cover whatever kind of midwife you want and there would be more continuity of care between OBs and midwives when necessary. I like very hands off care during labor and birth, so paying thousands of dollars out of pocket for someone to watch me give birth just seems silly. I researched and prepared for all the what ifs and knew that transferring to the hospital was always an option. Some people call this an unassisted birth, others call it a free birth (which I prefer). 

On Wednesday, the 14th of November, at 36+5, I forgot to take my progesterone before bed. I was only suppose to take it one more day anyway and had missed doses before, so I’m not sure if it contributed or not.

We had been passing viruses around since mid September and I still had a cough. My upper stomach muscles hurt so bad. I told my friend Serah that I wasn’t ready for him to come yet. Not to mention I had been having a lot of neck and back pain. Despite this, I had been nesting and Summer helped me get my birth space ready. On Thursday I woke up still a little congested but my cough was better and my stomach muscles were feeling better.

I had a chiropractor appointment with a massage at 10:30. It was the best adjustment I had gotten in my neck and for the first time, I didn’t get sore afterwards. I stopped at the consignment store to get a little jacket suit for Everett since we aren’t using a car seat carrier this time.

While I was gone Summer had taken the littles to the park. Deacon had slept on the way there, but didn’t get a long nap, so around 4 o’clock he got real fussy and wanted to nurse. Because of all the contractions I had been having I had cut him down to once or twice a day and sometimes we’d even skip a day or two. I also kept the sessions short. I figured I was just hours away from 37 weeks though, so I went ahead and let him nurse to sleep.

Before we went to bed I was being neurotic about straightening up. Summer was making fun of me asking if I was going to do that every night until he gets here. I told her I knew it probably wouldn’t be that night, but who knows. I WAS having lots of Braxton Hicks. That was normal for me though.

I thought maybe I’d bounce on my birth ball while watching tv before bed at about 8. It made my uterus just tighten up without relaxing and was uncomfortable. This wasn’t new either. It would happen a lot when we’d go to Costco right after eating lunch.

Everyone had fallen asleep, but I was starting to wonder if maybe I was going into labor because the Braxton Hicks were still coming. I had had them for 4-5 hours before though so I wasn’t sure. At 10:15 I decided to start timing them.
They weren’t regular really, but even getting up would trigger another and they were starting to feel different.... lower. I got up to pee after one that felt stronger at about 12:15 and had a good amount of bloody show. I knew now I was dilating and this was it. I woke Summer up at 12:40.

She started running my bath. Once I got in she got the bed ready and made my labor-aid. I was just watching tv from the tub. At 2:00 it started getting more intense and I told her to go wake up Scott.
Deacon woke up just before 3 though and he went up to get him back to sleep and fell back to sleep. I started feeling nauseous around this time and thought maybe I was getting close to transition.

Around 3:30 or so I started getting really tired and started to doze between contractions. I thought the contractions might be spreading out some. I thought maybe I was complete and my body just needed to rest a little. This was different for me. At 4 I decided to get out of the tub and rest in the bed for a while. I threw up as soon as I laid down. Then got as comfortable as I could. That lasted an hour. I barely moved and slept between contractions.

At 5 I went back to the tub. I started feeling the contractions in my back an thought maybe he was posterior and that was why I wasn’t getting the urge to push. This is when it would have been nice to have a midwife on hand. I don’t regret freebirthing, but I did have a moment of weakness. I knew I could push him out sunny side up, but was afraid of pushing and not being complete. If I wasn’t complete and he wasn’t lined up just right... I could still have hours to go and I was tired! I told Summer I wanted to go to the hospital. I was mostly thinking I wanted an epidural and a nap! Lol But I also could have done like Emilee, the founder of the free birth society, and got checked and if I was complete.... just go back home and finish birthing. Of course it also entered my mind that I’d have him in the car. As all this was racing through my mind, I got sick again. When my stomach muscles engaged I felt a lot of downward pressure and decided I would give it one good push before I committed to going to the hospital. I had told Summer to turn off the camera, so I had her turn it back on. I waited for the next contraction and pushed him right out! He was born at 5:41 am. He was perfect.
I started having after pains pretty quickly but waited 30 minutes to be sure it was fully detached before I birthed the placenta. I knew I had a succenturiate lobe placenta (and extra lobe) and there can be a risk of retaining the extra lobe. It all came out perfect too. Then we got out of the tub. He nursed at about 1 hour old. We had considered doing a partial lotus birth and leave the placenta attached for about 24 hours or until the cord had dried enough that there was no need to tie it off. His cord was so short though, I decided to go ahead and tie it off and cut it. Summer did the honors. His stump fell off at 3 days old. We weighed him at some point, 6lbs 1.5oz.

For Part Three - Everett's 1st week click here

Everett’s Story - Part One

This is the story of our 9th baby, Everett Virgil’s, conception, pregnancy, birth, and 1st week. I am breaking it up into parts:

Part One - Conception and Pregnancy
Part Two - Birth
Part Three - 1st Week

Conception has never really been easy for me. You can read about my journey with fertility issues and conceptions herehere, and here.

Deacon FINALLY started sleeping through the night at 11 months and my cycles came back almost exactly a month later. I knew that I wanted Deacon to have a close in age sibling, so I started charting right away. Since I have PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome), my cycles are irregular. The one after my 1st flow was 58 days. My app on picked up ovulation, but my temps were kind of weird. My dip was at day 45, but my spike wasn’t until day 53. Then I started at just 7dpo. I was using one of the more expensive OPKs(ovulation predictor kit) that also measure estrogen. It had started showing “high” around day 22 and stayed that way with no LH surge for 11 days. I gave up. Our timing was still good, but my hormones just weren’t. 

The next cycle I decided to just get cheap LH surge strips off Amazon. It was $20 and had 50 LH strips and 20 pregnancy tests. 
I didn’t show any signs of fertility until day 42. The strip was negative that day. I tested again 2 days later and it was positive. We attempted conception both days. On day 45, Summer and I were at Whole Foods and I was having some discomfort and had a strong feeling I was ovulating(03/16). I started taking pregnancy tests at 7 dpo(days past ovulation) and got a Big Fat Positive on day 10! That conception date gave me an EDD(estimated due date) of 12/07/2018... 12 days after Deacons 2nd birthday 🎂

A little background for those who don’t know... Everett is our 8th live birth. My 9th pregnancy. Joshua was a hospital birth with the works: stadol, AROM(artificial rupture of membranes), epidural, and pitocin. Jacob and Summer were natural hospital births with the exception of AROM that I labored in the bed with. Ronan and Raiden were the same as Jacob and Summer, but I labored in the tub. Also with them I planned and did catch them myself. Actually with Ronan, my OB didn’t make it in time for the birth. Sierra was my 1st homebirth. It was a 19 minute precipitous labor after a few days of pre/prodromal labor that just felt like more frequent Braxton Hicks. My midwife didn’t make it to her birth either. Dani was my 10+3 week loss. I birthed naturally at home a week after finding out our precious baby no longer had a heartbeat. With Deacon, I planned(and partially paid for) to have a homebirth, but had a difficult pregnancy with kidney stones, glucose intolerance and an extremely irritable uterus. My water ended up breaking at 35+3 and I decided to go to the hospital. The labor went great, but the delivery ended up being a bit traumatic for me(baby was fine). 

Their birth stories can be found at these links: 

That brings me to some unconventional decisions with Everett’s pregnancy and birth. I didn’t want to pay thousands of dollars to a midwife again to plan a homebirth that quite possibly wouldn’t be attended anyway. Since I am a healthy, knowledgeable woman, I felt I could do my own prenatal care as long as there weren’t any concerns. I tested my urine, weighed myself, checked my blood pressure and sugar, measured my belly, and listened for baby just like they would do at any prenatal. 

At around 14 weeks I became aware that not only was I still having some glucose intolerance (which never went away after Deacon’s birth), but I was also having some fasting lows. I started seeing an Endocrinologist to monitor me for this.
16 weeks

Before I was able to hear baby’s heartbeat at 17 weeks, I was able to hear and locate my placenta with my fetoscope.... pretty cool. 

At around 20 weeks, I started having more of an irritable uterus again. Crampbark helped, but I was having more discomfort with these Braxton Hicks so, I decided to go ahead and start seeing an OB to have my cervix scanned to make sure it wasn’t shortening or funneling which could cause preterm labor or my water breaking early again.
20 weeks
I hadn’t planned on having any ultrasounds or finding out the gender, but since they were going to be using ultrasound anyway I decided to go ahead and to a full anatomy scan at 23 weeks. I just requested no 3D/4D images and to do it as quick as possible. We found out we were having boy #6.

At my 1st appointment before the scan we decided to try progesterone shots to calm my uterus, but it was so painful and gave me a horrible migraine. I opted to discontinue them and put myself on more of a bed rest on top of the pelvic rest and no lifting that my doctor recommended. 

My endo expected me to get more insulin resistant and have less lows as I entered my 3rd trimester, but just the opposite happened. 

I read an article online that said sometimes low progesterone can cause hypoglycemia along with an irritable uterus. I asked my OB to check my levels. They did come back a little low. I decided to try suppositories instead of the shots this time. Unfortunately it didn’t help with the lows. They did seem to help a little with the contractions on a daily basis though. I was still having episodes every now and then, but it was manageable. 

At my 32 week appointment my OB suggested a growth scan the next week. I didn’t think it was necessary, but I wanted to have them check my cervix again so I agreed. Cervix was still looking good and baby was growing perfectly.